Hi,I'm Santosh Chaurasia

And A Growth Hacker

3 Steps System To Skyrocket Your Business Growth

I Help With The Unique Growth Hacking Technique & Creating High-Converting Landing Pages & Sales Funnels To Grow Your Business 10x Your Profit Instantly.

I Am Santosh Chaurasia,

Social Media Scale-Up Expert & A Growth Hacker

Founder Of SocialCurveMedia & A Creator Of Digital Scale-Up Model

“When I Started On This Journey In 2015, I had to struggle with my 9 to 7 Job. But, I Was Determined To Do This For The Rest Of My Life.
At That Time, The Internet And Online Marketing Are Trending. I Really Wanted To Build My Online Business. However, All Of My Coach Told Me Was That You Should Pay For Expensive Tools Like Click-Funnels, LeadPages, BuilderAll, If You Want To Make This Happen.

But Just Because I Did Not Have Money, I Couldn’t Afford To Get Any Expensive Tools, Software,& Funnels Builders For Growing Online Business & Get More leads, sales & customers.

There Was A Time When I Started To Think That Click-Funnels And Other Tools Is The Only Solution To Convert More Sales & Increase Revenue. But, Then One Day, I Decided. I Made A Decision That I Will Not Let My Limitations Define Me.

So, I Invested In A “CHEAP” Monthly Hosting And Started To Practice. After Practicing For Countless Hours, Days & Months, I Finally Cracked It! Long Story Short – Today, If I Look Back, I Realize That There Could Be So Many People, Just Like Me.

For A Very Long Time, I Was Not Ready To Give Out My Secret. But, Many People Started To Approach Me. Asking Me To Help Them With Their Websites, Landing Pages And Scale Your Business Digitally With Help Of  Landing Page Creation, Social Media Channel And Growth Hacks.

And Believe Me – I WAS SHOCKED! More Than 70% Of People Who Approached Me, Were  Eight Paying Expensive Developer & Designer And For Super Expensive Tools Like Click-Funnels, Website Design, and Agencies unnecessarily. Or Even Not Getting Satisfactory Results. That’s It! I Made A Decision. A Decision To Change The Game. This Is How “Digital Scale-Up Model” Was Born 🙂 This Is Not A Only Business Growth Model, And It Is A Support System To Take Your Business To The Next Level.

I Created Digital Scale-Up Model (3-Step System) That Grow Your Business & Get 10x More Sales & Customers !


Build A High Converting Landing Page

Landing pages are like landing pads in a busy airport and have a single purpose, a single message, and a single call to action.Landing pages help to attract more customers because they have a singular focus on helping a visitor realize his or her wants and needs, whether it's information about a product or service.Bridge Between Ads And The Brand. Your Landing page is your business card, and every business card should be professionally designed.

SMO- Optimize Your Social Media

Social Media Optimization is the process of improving your website presence on social networking sites.SMO can be a very powerful tool for growing your business or brand and increasing your online presence. You can get products and services in front of millions of people.Without properly optimizing your brand image or social media profiles, you cannot achieve the required results or even build a relevant community & brand.

Social Media Marketing & Lead Generation

Social Media is a vital aspect of marketing. At least two-thirds of internet users on social media, it’s a valuable way for businesses to reach their audience. With The Right Social Media Strategy, You Can Gain Brand Awareness, Increase Traffic, And Generate Leads.90% of executives agree social will soon become the primary communications channel for connecting with customers.78% of consumers will buy from a brand after a positive experience on social media.91% of business will increase social media marketing budget over the next three years.

Who Is This For?

 Digital Scale-Up Model


I will help your Coaching business build online, brand, and scale your sales.


If you, a consultant, want to grow your business, I will help you grow your business.

Small Business Owners

If you, a small business owner, want to grow your business, I will help you grow your business.


  • According to a Salesforce survey, 85% of consumers conduct research before they make a purchase online, and among the most used channels for research are websites (74%) and social media (38%). Consequently, businesses need an effective online strategy to increase brand awareness and grow.

  • Approximately 3.8 million Google searches were conducted each minute, many of which were shown to find information on local businesses. 

  • Lead generation is the lifeline of your sales machine. 51% of sales professionals and 68% of companies admit to struggling with lead generation.






The DIGITAL SCALE-UP MODEL – Build High Revenue Generating Landing Pages that will drive targeted traffic and generate leads. It helps you increase your brand presence And Grow Your Business 10x.

Don’t Just Take My Word For It, Here’s Highlight The Industry Facts …

highlight industry facts

77% Of People Who Buy Online Courses, Event Tickets, Workshop Tickets, Courses, Coaching & Services Make A Decision Purely Based Upon The Landing Page!

68% Of People Who Start Their Online Journey End Up Falling For Super Expensive Funnel Builders Just To Design A Landing Page And Still Fail!

92% Of People Underestimate The Power Of Creating A Landing Page With A Compelling Design + Content.

Improving & Optimizing Your Landing Page Can Literally Sky-Rocket Your Conversions By A Minimum Of Up To 53%

In Today’s Hyper-Competitive Marketplace, Companies Can Really Benefit From Unique Branding As A Way To Stand Out From Competition; Especially Since 50% Fail In The First Year And 8 Out Of 10 Entrepreneurs Don’t Make It Past 18 Months.

Social Media Will Play An Increasingly Crucial Role In Supporting Small Business Growth.

Around The World, 47% Of Internet Users Ages 16 To 64 Have Spent More Time On Social Media In 2020 Than In 2019.


97% Of Online Coaches, Consultants & Affiliate Marketers Put Their Money On Tools Like Click-Funnels Without Knowing It's Main Usp. They Don't Even Know That A High Converting Landing Page Can Be Built On WordPress Using 100% Free Add-Ons Just By Taking A Basic Cheap Monthly Hosting Which Can Save Them At Least 10k Every Single Month.




While There’s a Lot To Share…But, Without Keeping It Like a Boring About Me Section…I Will Come Straight To The Point…

Few Of My Past Client Have Started To See Incredible Growth…Like, From Increase In Conversions by Whooping 169% To All The Way Getting Their Cost Per Acquisition Down by up to 40%… THIS IS HUGE!! 

Not Just That…I Have Saved People From Spending Crazy Amount Of Money On Outsourcing & Expensive Tools Unnecessarily!

See, The Truth Is, You Could Be That Someone Who’s Worked On WordPress Site Before Or May Be Not!

And I Personally Believe That Anyone Can Learn a Tool, But It’s Not Just About That! 

It’s All About The Aesthetics Behind “HOW” To Grow Your Business Online!

While The Majority Of People Think WordPress Can Only Be Used For Building Websites, I Have Been Building High Revenue Generating Landing Pages Since 2017.

The Tool’s The Same & Even Some Of The Plugins Too, But My Method Of Doing It Is What Makes It Unique!

I Will Not Just Creating Landing Page…I Will Also Help a Lot More Strategic Stuff, Like, My Unique, Simple & Effective Copywriting Formula Exclusively For Landing Pages Called The P.P.O Formula,…Connecting Customers To Brand, Solving Problems, Building Brands, Will Manage Social Media Marketing Beyond Expectation….. And So Much More That I cannot write here 😉

What I Am Doing Here Is Revolutionary. We Will Designed A Proven High-Converting Landing Page & cost effective digital marketing solutionsTo Help You To Sell High-Quality Products & Services Online. "Save A Ton Of Time & Money." This Is Why I Want To Change The Game.